Rebelflix: June 7, 2019

June 7th.
HumanFlow (MareaHumana)

Director: Ai Weiwei. 2017                                                                                                                                                  Various languages with English subtitles
Over 65 million people around the world have been forced from their homes to escape famine, climate change and war in the greatest human displacement since World War II. Human Flow gives a powerful visual expression to this massive human migration. The documentary shows the refugee crisis in the world.

Captured over the course of an eventful year in 23 countries, the film follows a chain of urgent human stories that stretches across the globe in countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, France, Greece, Germany, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, and Turkey. Human Flow is a witness to its subjects and their desperate search for safety, shelter and justice: from teeming refugee camps to perilous ocean crossings to barbed-wire borders; from dislocation and disillusionment to courage, endurance and adaptation; from the haunting lure of lives left behind to the unknown potential of the future.

More movies below.

April 5th
Ayotzi, el Paso de la Tortuga
(the Passage of the Turtle)                                                             
Director: Enrique García Meza. 2018                                                                                                                
Spanish with English subtitles

On the night of September 26, 2014, military and police forces from the state of Guerrero and the city of Iguala committed one of the most abhorrent crimes that can be remembered in the history of Mexico. Military and police persecuted, cornered, wounded and murdered students from the rural teachers school of Ayotzinapa. They also disappeared 43. This documentary explores the disappearance of the 43 normalistas and seeks to bring justice and give voice to the victims and their families.

May 3rd.
Zapatistas, Chronicle of a Rebellion                            
Canalseisdejulio/Periódico La Jornada.
Spanish with English subtitles

This documentary is a recount of the first 13 years of the Zapatista movement: The uprising of January 1, 1994,  the San Andrés Agreements,  the journeys that the Zapatistas made in the country to talk about their struggle, The march of the color of the soil and The Other campaign, until the formation of the Caracoles, their autonomous communities. The video highlights the role of women in the birth and strengthening of the Zapatista struggle. It describes, without going into detail, the context of repression unleashed by the PRI and PAN governments against the Zapatista communities, but also against other indigenous communities, such as the cases of Acteal, Atenco and the APPO of Oaxaca.

June 7th.
HumanFlow (MareaHumana)

Director: Ai Weiwei. 2017                                                                                                                                                  Various languages with English subtitles
Over 65 million people around the world have been forced from their homes to escape famine, climate change and war in the greatest human displacement since World War II. Human Flow gives a powerful visual expression to this massive human migration. The documentary shows the refugee crisis in the world.

Captured over the course of an eventful year in 23 countries, the film follows a chain of urgent human stories that stretches across the globe in countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, France, Greece, Germany, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, and Turkey. Human Flow is a witness to its subjects and their desperate search for safety, shelter and justice: from teeming refugee camps to perilous ocean crossings to barbed-wire borders; from dislocation and disillusionment to courage, endurance and adaptation; from the haunting lure of lives left behind to the unknown potential of the future.

July 5th. Guerrero
Ludovic Bonleux. 2017                                                                                                                                      Spanish with English subtitles

In the state of Guerrero, activists Coni, Juan and Mario rebel against impunity, regardless of the sacrifices and risks that their struggles entail. They try to do the work that the government does not do: protect their communities, ensure a good education for the children and find their missing.

Coni seeks an equitable social structure in a chaotic world of injustice. Juan, after losing his best friend, goes underground for fear of losing his life. Mario looks for his missing brother among hundreds of clandestine graves where he or any of the others 40 thousand disappeared could be. Three characters who rebel against impunity and resist indifference.

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