Presentación de documental
Viernes 17 de febrero, 7 pm
Escuela de Artes
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, el Instituto de Cultura de Baja California, delegación Tecate y la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California invitan a la presentación del documental titulado Cuchumá: La montaña sagrada de Tecate.
La presentación se realizará este viernes 17 de febrero a las 19:00 horas, tiempo del pacífico, en el teatro de la Escuela de Artes de Tecate. Contará con la presencia de Pável Valenzuela, director del documental y de José Manuel Valenzuela, coordinador.
Cuchumá: La montaña sagrada de Tecate, es un video documental que registra la percepción sobre la condición espiritual, mística y ceremonial asociada a la montaña a través de las voces de nativas y nativos k’miai, personajes emblemáticos del yoga y la difusión de la filosofía hindú, neomexicanistas que realizan ceremonias en la montaña, pintores y escultores, que desde una perspectiva secular utilizan al Cuchumá como referente de su producción artística.
El evento cuenta con el apoyo del Gobierno del Estado a través del Instituto de Cultura, la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California y la Escuela de Artes, CAREM, el Taller de Historia de Tecate, Cuautémoc Moctezuma y California Medios.
Entrada libre.
Mayores informes
+52 (664) 631-6300 ext. 1155
The Women’s Studies Department of San Diego State University is pleased to present
The Second Annual
Reproductive and Sexual Justice
February 24, 2012 - 9 am to 5:30 pm
San Diego State University
Healing Circle and Training
Interested in learning holistic, social justice approaches
to reproductive and sexual well-being?
Register for the Reproductive and Sexual Justice Healing Circle and Training at San Diego State University!
Drawing from theories and practices developed by women of color, this special one-day event will explore reproductive and sexual health issues, such as abortion, contraception, HIV/STDs and access to health care, within the context of other social justice issues, including economic justice, immigrant rights and LGBTQ rights. We will use holistic, co-counseling techniques (e.g. attentive listening, truthful storytelling, and respectful dialogue) to help build community and inspire activism. By the end, we hope that participants will use this knowledge within their own communities. Given the focus on personal experience and mental and spiritual well-being, please note that the healing circle may elicit strong emotional responses.
Gabriela Valle of California Latinas for Reproductive Justice
B. Cole of the Brown Boi Project
Luz Alvarez Martinez, former director of National Latina Health Organization
SDSU Women's Studies Department students and faculty
Where: San Diego State University's Alumni Center
When: Friday, February 24, 2012 - 9 am to 5:30 pm
Please note: An all-day commitment is required and participation is limited to 75 students, faculty and community members ages 18 and older.
Registration will be open from Monday, January 30, 2012 to Friday, February 10, 2012.
Registration is required. Please register at the following site:
You may also register through the SDSU Women's Studies web page:
Become a Citizen Today
February 25th
9 am, 11 am, or 1 pm
9 am, 11 am, or 1 pm
National Student Walkout
Thursday March 1st
11 am
GUEST SPEAKER: SYLVIA MENDEZ "The case of Méndez v. Westminster and the Desegregation of Public Education"
MARCH 6 ROOM: H-117/118
Sylvia Méndez is the oldest daughter of Gonzalo Méndez, a Mexican immigrant, and Felicitas Méndez, a Puerto Rican, who fought so she and her brothers could have equal education through the case of Méndez et al v. Westminster et al. Ms. Méndez continues the legacy left by her parents to campaign for education. Ms. Méndez was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States' highest civilian honor, on February 15, 2011.
The Annual Gracia Molina de Pick Feminist Lecture Series honors the founder of the San Diego Mesa College Chicano Studies Department and recognizes her life-long commitment to education, feminism, and dedication to the mission of the community college.
Organized by the Chicano Studies Department. Co-sponsored by the San Diego Mesa College Humanities Institute and the Chicano Latino Heritage Celebration Committee.
Come to learn about Tijuana communities and workers' conditions and struggles!
Saturday, March 10
9 am to 3 pm
9 am to 3 pm
Citizens returning from Mexico should present an U.S. passport. (Otherwise, they need an official ID, birth certificate, and waiting in line when returning to the U.S. for a period of time to be decided by the border gate officer.) More information: the U.S. State Dept. web site:
All tour participants must read the US travel alert to Mexico and sign the tour waiver. Please read the attached file.
9:00 am sharp- San Ysidro/Tijuana border-bus station. We will walk together to cross the border gate and travel to our locations in Tijuana using chartered buses for transportation.
9:45 am- The crosses at the border: More than 7,000 immigrants have died trying to cross the border.
10:30 am- Otay Industrial Park, Sanyo, Douglas Furniture, other maquiladoras: workers’ labor conditions, labor rights and struggles
NOTE: We will visit the Tijuana industrial area but won’t enter any factory.
11:00 am- Community Ejido Chilpancingo-Rio Alamar: industrialization, health, environment, urban development
11:30 pm- Metales y Derivados, a story of struggle and success for environmental justice
12:15 pm- Lunch
1:00 pm- Group dialogue about the experience; time for questions and comments
2:00 pm- Working women in Tijuana are organizing artisan cooperatives and promoting an alternative economy. They will bring their handcrafts to the tour. To learn in advance about these cooperatives, please go to
3:00 pm- Return to the Tijuana bus station
$30 regular, $20 students, $ 50 solidarity
Donations cover the bus, lunch, and a donation to the workers’ organizations.
To reserve a place, please go to
If you prefer to use the postal system, or for more information, please contact:
Herb Shore:, (619) 287-5535
Sponsored by Colectivo Ollin Calli Tijuana, Colectivo Chilpancingo for Environmental Justice, San Diego Maquiladora Workers' Solidarity Network, Environmental Health Coalition, and Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras
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