Dignity Across Borders- Thursday Mar 21, 2019

Presentation by:
Ramón Marquez
Executive director of La 72 and expert
on migration issues in the
southern Mexico / Central American northern region

Andrea Covarrubias
Volunteer La 72
Student, Major in Sociology
Central American Migration
University of Guanajuato, Mexico

Thursday Mar 21
11:10 am -12:35 pm
Room MS 462

San Diego City College
Social Justice Conference

La 72 Hogar Refugio Shelter for Immigrant People
@ Tenosique, Tabasco in the Mexico-Guatemala Border

La 72 is amigrant shelter between Mexico and Guatemala that provides reguge to Central Americans fleeing their homes in the hopes of a better life. La 72 is committed to fighting for the rights and dignity of immigrants and refugees.

La 72 houses and serves approximately 13,000 migrants and refugees from Central America every year. Currently, more and more migrants are soliciting asylum in Mexico. La 72 serves a significant number of LGBTQ persons and unaccompanied minors each year as well. Tenosique, Tabasco, is one of only three towns in Mexico with a permanent United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) presence, and La 72 serves a strategic focal point for institutions such as Doctors Without Borders and Asylum Access.

Video on Immigrants and La 72

More info:
Enrique Davalos

5th Annual Social Justice and Education Conference March 19-21, 2019

Carmen Cariño Decolonial Feminism and Community Mar 21, 2019

Carmen Cariño
Decolonial Feminism and Community

Thursday Mar 21, 12:45-2:10 pm

Room MS 162

San Diego City College
Social Justice Conference 

Carmen Cariño collaborates with the Latin American Feminist Study, Training and Action Group - Grupo Latinoamericano de Estudio, Formación y Acción Feminista  GLEFAS and has an amazing presence in the decolonization and feminist discussions in Mexico. Activist and scholar, Carmen was born and grew up in a peasant / Mixtec family (Mexico).

She is a Sociologist, MA in Rural Development at the University Metropolitana Iztapalapa in Mexico City and PhD in Anthropology. Currently she is a professor at University Metropolitana Azcapotzalco. She participates in collective spaces for indigenous and peasant women in defense of land and territory in Mexico. Carmen is part of the Zapatista movement and supported the presidential campaign of Marichuy from the National Indigenous Council.

Carmen also collaborates with the Memory and Justice Committee created demanding justice for Bety Cariño, Carmen´s sister who was brutally murdered by paramilitaries when she supported the community of San Juan Copala in Oaxaca. 

Main lines of research:

  • Indigenous women and defense of the territory in Mexico and Latin America
  • Decolonial thinking and feminisms
  • Indigenous peoples and forced displacement

Among her most recent publications are:

“Colonialidad del saber y colonialidad del género en la construcción del conocimiento. Hacia epistemologías feministas otras y apuestas descoloniales” en Laura Raquel Valladares et.al. Antropología y feminismo. (UAM-I-CEAS) (En prensa).

(2016) “Pensar, sentir y hacer pedagogías feministas descoloniales. Diálogos y puntadas” en Pedagogías decoloniales. Pedagogías Decoloniales, prácticas insurgentes de resistir, (re) existir y (re) vivir.  Tomo II. Catherine Walsh (Coord.) Serie Pensamiento decolonial. Ecuador: Editorial Abya Yala. Pp. 509-536. ISBN: 978-9942-09-416-2.

(2014) “Jóvenes triquis. Participación política y defensa de la Autonomía” en Maya Lorena Pérez Ruiz y Laura Valladares de la Cruz (Coords.) Juventudes indígenas. De hip-hop y protesta social en América Latina. México, INAH. Pp. 287-310

la 72 Fundrising: Mar 21, 2019

City Women Rock Opening- Mar 8, 2019

City Women Rock Opening Ceremony and Keynote presentations on Friday, March 8, 2019 from 9:00am-10:15am at Saville Theatre. 

City Women Rock is a one-day summit focused on inspiring, encouraging and empowering leadership development in women identified students.  The women’s summit will be a collective of designated San Diego City College students inclusive of diverse heritage, identities and backgrounds.  Please note March 8, 2019 is International Women’s Day!

Students will not need an access code if they register before the slots are filled. The web link is:

The link will close once registrations are full.


Marisol Clark Ibañez Undocumented Latino Youth-- March 4, 2019

Lecture Author and Q and A:
Undocumented Latino Youth: Navigating Their Worlds

Monday March 4
9:35 - 11 am
Room MS 162