Drop the I-Word

In Victory for Advocates, Associated Press
Stops Using Phrase "Illegal Immigrant"

Video: Crossing the line at the border

PBS Video

In partnership with the Investigative Fund of the Nation Institute, Need to Know investigates whether U.S. border agents have been using excessive force in an effort to curb illegal immigration. Eight people have been killed along the border in the past two years. One man, Anastasio Hernandez Rojas, died a short time after being beaten and tased, an event recorded by two eyewitnesses whose video is the centerpiece of the report. Both eyewitnesses say the man offered little or no resistance. One told Need to Know that she felt like she watched someone being “murdered,” and the San Diego coroner’s office classified the death as a “homicide.”

Watch the video here: Crossing the line at the border

Binational Conference 2014: Nov 6-7

5a. Conferencia Binacional en Temas Fronterizos
5th Binational Conference on Border Issues

Epistemology of the Border: Nov 5

Presentation by Dr. Roxana Rodriguez
Wednesday, Nov 5, 9:35 am
Room MS 462

Dr. Roxana Rodriguez, Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México, Academia de Filosofía e Historia de las Ideas, coordinadora del grupo de investigación de Estudios Fronterizos

Marcha en Tijuana en apoyo a Ayotzinapa: Nov 2

Se convoca a toda la población en general a la Marcha - Manifestación que se llevará a cabo el día DOMINGO 2 de Noviembre del 2014 en solidaridad con los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos de Ayotzinapa. 

Esta actividad se planifico y organizó por los estudiantes de Tijuana que asistieron a la segunda Asamblea Interestudiantil BC el domingo 26 de octubre, con el objetivo de hacer notar el apoyo que aquí en la frontera le damos a las familias de los estudiantes de la Escuela Normal Rural Raúl Isidro Burgos. 

La hora de inicio será a las 4:00 p.m. en el Parque Teniente Guerrero en Zona Centro, de ahí partiremos en una marcha pacífica hasta la Glorieta de Cuauhtemoc en Zona río, en donde instalaremos un Altar de Muertos en honor a los estudiantes que fallecieron así como a todos los muertos sin nombre encontrados en las diversas fosas en el estado de Guerrero.

Una vez instalado el Altar nos movilizaremos a posicionar velas en la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR).

Se invita a todos en general, estudiantes, maestros, académicos, amas de casa, trabajadores, familias enteras a acompañarnos para fomentar y reforzar la tradición mexicana del Altar de muertos y de manera paralela comenzar a crear en Tijuana una cultura de manifestación.


- Vestir de color blanco, con trajes típicos mexicanos, vestir de catrinas, adelitas, etc.
- Traer velas, veladoras, flores, cartulinas, calaveras de azúcar, papel picado de varios colores y todos los elementos que se incluyen en el altar de muertos, 

Field trip to the Kumeyaay community of Neji, Baja California: Oct 25

Kumiai (Kumeyaay) Community of Neji
Field Trip
October 25
8 am to 8 pm

$25- Includes traditional Kumeyaay food and tour on the community
and around the Kuuchamma Sacred Mountain (Tecate Peak)

Organized by Colectivo Ollin Calli

Matt de la Peña: Oct 23

Thursday, October 23
11:15 a.m. -12:30 p.m. 
Room V101 

Matt de la Peña, Author
Presenting We Were Here 
More info about Matt de la Peña

Protest to Stop Police Brutality: Oct 22

Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation

Oct 22, 6 pm
City Heights/Weingart Library and Performance Annex
3795 Fairmount Ave, 
San Diego, California 92105

Encuentro Internacional: Aportaciones del Software Libre a la lucha de las Izquierdas- 15 -17 Octubre

Ollin Calli participa en:

Segundo Encuentro Internacional:
Aportaciones del Software Libre a la lucha de las Izquierdas.

15, 16 y 17 de Octubre
Plaza Madero, Tijuana Centro

Por un diálogo local, regional e internacional entre el movimiento social de izquierda
y el movimiento por conocimiento y tecnologías libres

Este Encuentro busca un intercambio entre colectivos identificados con una ideología de izquierdas; los temas a tratar son los siguientes:

  • Seguridad digital y la vigilancia masiva
  • Herramientas colaborativas sin fronteras y su utilidad local e internacionalista
  • Lucha contra los monopolios en la comunicación electrónica
  • Estrategias de mudanza y adopción del software libre
  • Creación en común de bienes digitales
  • Desafío ante la economía imperialista y la dependencia en la comunicación electrónica
  • Sociedad de la información y la "economía post-industrial"
  • Consumo de los aparatos inteligentes y comercialización de contenidos
  • Transparencia del funcionamiento del Estado y las políticas públicas y privadas sobre datos abiertos
  • Alternativas de comunicación electrónica construidas por el movimiento para una economía en crisis

Este Encuentro puede considerarse como un espacio de diálogo internacional. Dos expresiones del movimiento social que luchan por justicia, democracia, libertad, igualdad, soberanía, sustentabilidad, y convivencia humana sin explotación se reúnen y comparten experiencias. El punto es aumentar nuestras capacidades crecientes de comunicación pero a la vez mantener control sobre las herramientas tecnológicas de comunicación. Rechazamos que éstas escondan vicios y sean utilizadas como instrumentos de manipulación y control social.

Porque creemos que la comunicación y el conocimiento son un derecho que nos permite construir una mejor sociedad, les invitamos a ser partícipes del Segundo Encuentro Internacional: Aportaciones del Software Libre a la lucha de las Izquierdas. 

Film Longoria Affair: Nov 19

Film Documented: Oct 9

OCTOBER Thursday, October 9 
12:50-2:15 pm
Saville Theatre 

Film by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas 
More info: Documented

Mexican Student Movement 1968: Oct 8

Presentation about the 1968 Mexican Student Movement
Oct 8, Room MS 451
8 am
by Enrique Davalos

Centro Cultural de la Raza Matices de las Americas: Sep 1 to Oct 4

Centro Cultural de la Raza
Balboa Park
Sep 1 to October 4
More info:

Precious Knowledge: Sep 29

Club Mecha Presents
Monday, Sep 29, 2:30 pm
Room MS 451

Sierra Norte por la Vida: Sep 25

Club Tainh Presents:
Thursday, Sep 25, 3 pm
Room MS 451

Tijuana Maquiladora Tour: Sept 20, 2104

Maquiladora Tour: English
September 20, 2014
Info and registration:

Tour Maquilero: Español
20 Septiembre, 2014
Para info y registrarse:

More Info:
Enrique Davalos

Independence Day?: Sep 11

Is Mexico an independent country? Really?
What should be celebrate on the Mexican Independence Day?
Thursday, Sept 11, 3 pm
Room MS 462

Organized by TAINH

T.A.I.N.H. o "Pariente" en Lengua Mixteca:

"Trabajando en Apoyo por la Igualdad de Nuestros hermano/as."

Maquiladoras in Tijuana: Sep 8

Monday September 8, 11:10 am
Room MS 462
San Diego City College

Maquiladoras in Tijuana
Industrial Labor exploitation and Environment Destruction

Presentation by Margarita Avalos and Neri Castillo
Colectivo Ollin Calli, Tijuana

Raise Up Fight for 15!: Sep 4

Thursday 9/4 STRIKE! 
Stand with Fast Food Workers - Fight for $15 in San Diego
McDonald's at 3879 Fairmount Avenue in San Diego, California

Spring 2014

Chicana and Chicano Studies
Calendar of Action and Culture
Spring 2014 

Son Jarocho and Bomba: May 8

From Mexico to Puerto Rico
Son Jarocho and Bomba in the Diaspora: 
A Conversation of Music and Dance

Thursday, May 8
12:45 – 2:10 pm, V-101

Mercedes Sosa, Latino Film Festival: May 5-8

A documentary about a musical legend from Argentina. This haunting music documentary is a deeply intimate journey into the life and music of Mercedes Sosa, one of the most influential singers and personalities of the 20th century.

More information and tickets: Mercedes

Student Rally: May 1, 2014

May 1, 2014 at 2:10pm
In front of the school cafeteria (Gorton Quad)

On May 1, 2014 at 2:10pm, in front of the school cafeteria (Gorton Quad), Students in Power and various other school clubs from City College, SDSU, and UCSD will be hosting a rally to bring awareness to various issues affecting college students as well as labor workers. One of those issues includes the “Fight for 15,” which is a movement happening across the country in hopes of getting multi-billion dollar corporations to raise their minimum wage to $15 an hour. Another issue deals specifically with rising costs of college tuition and books. It’s time for us to stand together and collectively bring awareness to some of these issues confronting thousands of college students and people all across America. Our government is not going to do it for you, so get up off your chair and save this date for a chance to make change happen and be a part of something positive!

Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch: April 22

Tuesday, April 22 Earth Day

12:45-2:10 p.m.  V101

Plastic Paradise:  The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Filmmaker, Angela Sun

Thousand miles away from civilization, Midway Atoll is one of the most remote places on earth.  And yet it has become ground zero for The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, siphoning plastics from three distant continents.  Journalist/filmmaker Angela Sun spent eight years on a personal journal to uncover this mysterious phenomenon. Q & A with the filmmaker will follow the 57-minute documentary.

Winner Docuwest Festival – Best of Fest (2013)
Winner Wild & Scenic Film Festival Jury Award (2014)

Maquiladora Tour: April 5

Tijuana Maquiladora Tour
Come to learn about Tijuana communities and workers'
conditions and struggles!

Saturday, April 5, 2014
9 am to 3 pm

Important Notice:

·         Citizens returning from Mexico should present an U.S. passport. (Otherwise, they need an official ID, birth certificate, and waiting in line when returning to the U.S. for a period of time to be decided by the border gate officer.) More information: the U.S. State Dept. web site: US Citizens - Documents needed for entry into the U.S..
·         All tour participants must read the US travel alert to Mexico and sign the tour waiver. Please click here to get the Tour waiver.  

 Tour Schedule (There may be slight variations from tour to tour.)
·      9:00 am sharp- San Ysidro. Additional information about the meeting place will be provided.
·      9:15 am- The crosses at the border: More than 7,000 immigrants have died trying to cross the border since 1994, when NAFTA was imposed.
·      9:30 am- Otay Industrial Park, Sanyo and other maquiladoras: workers’ labor conditions, labor rights and struggles 

NOTE: We will visit the Tijuana industrial area but won’t enter any factory.
·      11:15 am- Metales y Derivados: maquiladoras, distorted urban development and wild industrialization in Tijuana
·      12:00 pm- Foxconn: the largest maquiladora in both Tijuana and the world
·      12:45 pm- Lunch
·      1:15 pm:- Group dialogue about the experience; time for questions and comments
·      2:00 pm- Working women in Tijuana are organizing artisan cooperatives and promoting an alternative economy. They will bring their handcrafts to the tour. To learn in advance about these cooperatives, please go to: Cooperativa Ollin Calli  
·      3:00 pm- Return to the bus station


·      $30 regular, $20 students, $ 50 solidarity
·      Registration covers the bus, lunch, and a donation to the workers’ organizations.
·      For tour registration go here: sdmaquila.org

Sponsored by Colectivo Ollin Calli Tijuana, San Diego Maquiladora Workers' Solidarity Network and the Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras