Rally for the Dream-- Sep 5

Who: San Diego Border Dreamers (SDBD)
What: SDBD hosting a press conference to speak on the current state of affairs
When: Wednesday September 5th, 6pm-7pm
Where: Waterfront Park, Downtown San Diego 1600 Pacific Hwy, San Diego, CA 92101

On September 5, 2017 Trump rescinded the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that allowed over 800 thousand undocumented youth to pursue their dreams and be safe from deportation. Because of a court injunction we were able to stop the termination of DACA, but the program is continuously under attack. This has placed our sisters and brothers in a state of limbo. The potential rescinding of DACA puts almost a million people who have lived in this country most of their lives at risk of deportation. For those of us in the border region, the danger of deportation is much higher and devastating. We have seen the consequences of militarizing of the border through policy like ‘Zero Tolerance’ which literally lead to the kidnapping of children away from their parents and putting them for ransom. The systematic separation of families is nothing new, but we as a collective community will no longer stand by idly and allow it to happen. We will no longer allow this bigoted and racist white house to use DREAMERS and kidnapped children as political bargaining chips.

September 5th, 2018 will mark one year since the attempted termination of DACA and congress has yet to provide permanent protection from deportation and a path to citizenship for the millions who live and contribute to this country. We are demanding that the White House, Trump and congress keep their word and help mend the problem they created. We need a permanent resolution in the form of a Clean DREAM Act, which will protect millions of hard working undocumented peoples in this country and their families. We will not exchange our safety and futures for additional funds to further bolster this countries deportation machine. We will not trade our communities well being for a wall or additional agents for ICE or CBP; so that even more children can be ripped from their parents. It has been one year things have only gotten worse. We, the undocumented community and our allies will no longer tolerate negligence from this government. Congress needs to do their job and provide a permanent solution and a pathway to citizenship for our sisters and brothers. We are willing to do whatever it takes to fight for the dignity, respect and human rights of the undocumented community. Join us on the one year anniversary of the attempted termination of DACA at Waterfront Park to remind congress that they need to do their job and work to provide permanent solution for millions of people in this country whose lives are in a state of uncertainty.


"Journey to Justice is a 36 day, border to border bike tour to raise awareness about the need for citizenship for all 11 million undocumented immigrants and 35k intercountry adoptees. This Journey to Justice was spearheaded by young people from NAKASEC and is being led by 11 young core 'Dream Riders' of varying immigration statuses, including DACA recipients. San Diego signifies the official end of NAKASEC's Journey to Justice and our young riders' arrival on September 5th also marks the one year anniversary of when President Trump rescinded DACA.

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